NSA’s Guide to Smartphone Security: Protect Yourself from Hackers

In today’s world, our smartphones are essential. We have numerous uses for it and it has improved our lifestyle. But with all the benefits come risks, especially from hackers. The National Security Agency (NASA) has given some simple but effective advice to keep our smartphones safe. One of their top tips? Turn your phone off and on once a week.

Why Restarting Your Phone Helps?

The NSA advises restarting your phone every week to protect against zero-click exploits. These are attacks where hackers can access your phone without you doing anything, like clicking a link or opening an attachment. By restarting your phone, you can disrupt these attacks and remove some types of malware.

Other Security Tips from the NSA

Disable Bluetooth When Not in Use:

Bluetooth is convenient but can also be a security risk. Your phone has the probability of being hacked. The NSA recommends turning off Bluetooth when you’re not using it.

Update Your Device:

Always update your phone’s operating system and apps as soon as updates are available. These updates prevent you from new threats and enhance your security features.

Disable Location Services:

Location services can help apps give you better information based on where you are, but they also make it easier for hackers to track you. Use locations only if necessary.

Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi:

Using public Wi-Fi networks, like those in coffee shops or airports, can be risky. Your pieces of information is stolen using Hackers through fake Wi-Fi. The NSA suggests using your mobile data or a personal hotspot of public Wi-Fi, especially for sensitive activities like online banking.

Strong Passwords and PINs:

A strong password or PIN is one of the best ways to protect your phone. The NSA advises using at least a six-digit PIN and setting your phone to wipe itself after 10 incorrect attempts. This means if someone tries to guess your PIN, your phone will erase all data after 10 wrong tries.

Avoid Phishing Attacks:

Phishing attacks are when hackers try to trick you into giving them your personal information. They might send fake emails or messages that look real. The NSA recommends being very careful with email attachments and links, even if they seem to come from someone you know. Always check the sender’s email address and look for signs that the message might be fake.

Be Careful with App Permissions:

When you install a new app, it often asks for permission to access different parts of your phone, like your contacts or camera. The NSA suggests only giving necessary permissions. For example, a weather app doesn’t need access to your contacts.

Remote Wipe Feature:

If your phone is ever lost or stolen, you can use the remote wipe feature to erase all the data on it. Make sure this feature is set up on your phone. This way, if the worst happens, your personal information will stay safe.

Don’t Jailbreak or Root Your Phone:

Jailbreaking or rooting your phone means changing its settings to remove restrictions set by the manufacturer. While this might give you more control over your phone, it also makes it more vulnerable to attacks. The NSA advises against jailbreaking or rooting your phone.


Public Wi-Fi can be risky because hackers can set up fake networks to steal your information. It’s safer to use your mobile data or a personal hotspot, especially for sensitive activities like online banking.

Bottom Up

Keeping your smartphone secure doesn’t have to be complicated. By following the NSA’s advice, such as restarting your phone weekly, updating your software, and being careful with public Wi-Fi, you can protect your device from many common threats. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in keeping your personal information safe.