XREAL Beam Pro Launch: Advanced AR Spatial Computing Terminal and XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR Glasses

Nowadays, at the XREAL Spatial Computing Unused Item Dispatch, the inventive XREAL Beam Master Spatial Computing Terminal was formally presented. This groundbreaking gadget is balanced to revolutionize consumer-grade expanded reality (AR) innovation, advertising of progressed highlights planned to make an immersive AR experience.

Plan and Key Features

The XREAL Beam Master is outlined to see like a smartphone, total with a touchscreen and cameras. In any case, it cannot make calls. Instep, it serves as a capable AR spatial computing terminal. The gadget ventures 2D applications into 3D space, advertising a comprehensive AR framework when matched with XREAL AR glasses.

The Beam Professional is prepared with double USB-C ports: one for interfacing with AR glasses and another for control. Its double-raise cameras, including Samsung ISOCELL JN1 sensors, capture spatial recordings in shocking 50-megapixel determination with an F/2.2 opening. These cameras are synchronized at the nanosecond and pixel levels, guaranteeing prevalent spatial video quality.

To improve the spatial stereoscopic impact, the cameras are dispersed 50mm, imitating the separation between human eyes. This arrangement, combined with double F/2.2 gaps, makes strides in profundity discernment and gives a more comfortable seeing experience.

Progressed Imaging and Stabilization

The XREAL Bar Professional joins XREAL’s center electronic picture stabilization (EIS) innovation. The optimized calculations for 3D shooting are custom-made to client propensities, altogether improving spatial imaging scenarios when utilized with XREAL’s Airglasses platform.

Effective Execution and Software

Operating on nebulaOS, which is based on Android 14, the Beam Master bolsters the establishment of Android APKs. Its eminent details incorporate a 6.5-inch 90Hz LCD screen, a 4nm Snapdragon octa-core spatial computing processor, a 4300mAh battery with 27W quick charging, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, and bolster for up to 1TB of expandable storage.

Estimating and Availability

The XREAL Bar Master is accessible in two Wi-Fi adaptations: the 6GB + 128GB demonstration estimated at 1299 yuan and the 8GB + 256GB demonstration estimated at 1599 yuan. Reservations begin nowadays, with deals starting at 20:00 on May 31. The 5G form, beginning at 1999 yuan, will be accessible in Eminent. Furthermore, an endeavor form with more customized highlights is estimated at 2999 yuan.

XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR Glasses

  • On the same occasion, XREAL presented the XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR glasses, estimated at 3999 yuan and set to be accessible in early July.
  • To begin with, showcased at CES 2024 with a worldwide cost of $699, these glasses offer progressed highlights compared to the past XREAL Air 2.
  • The Air 2 Ultra glasses give full 6 Degrees of Flexibility (6DOF) positional following while keeping up XREAL’s signature shades plan.
  • They empower clients to observe TV, play level recreations on a projection screen, and run immersive AR applications.
  • Even though marginally heavier at 80 grams compared to the Air 2 ’s 72 grams, they interface to different computing gadgets, including macOS and Windows computers, Samsung Android phones, and the iPhone 15.
  • They back the Cloud AR environment on Android, macOS, and Windows.
  • An outstanding highlight of the Air 2 Ultra glasses is their bolster for the unused spatial video arrangement of the iPhone 15 Professional.
  • This permits clients to shoot spatial recordings with their iPhones and see them on the Air 2 Ultra without requiring the costly Apple Vision Pro


The double-raise cameras highlight Samsung ISOCELL JN1 sensors with 50-megapixel determination and F/2.2 openings. They are divided 50mm to recreate the human eye separately, moving forward profundity discernment and guaranteeing predominant spatial video quality through nanosecond-level and pixel-level synchronization.

The XREAL Bar Professional is estimated at 1299 yuan for the 6GB + 128GB Wi-Fi adaptation and 1599 yuan for the 8GB + 256GB Wi-Fi form. The 5G form begins at 1999 yuan and will be accessible in Eminent, whereas the endeavor form is estimated at 2999 yuan. The XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR glasses are estimated at 3999 yuan and will be accessible in early July.

Bottom Up

The XREAL Beam Master and XREAL Air 2 Ultra AR glasses speak to a noteworthy jump in consumer-grade AR innovation. With progressed highlights and immersive capabilities, these gadgets are set to revolutionize clients’ connection with advanced substance, advertising a comprehensive and high-quality AR experience.